Royalty updates

Royalty Update: Tomasz Lubert, Piotr Konca, Artur Gadowski Catalogues

Written by ANote Music | February 1, 2021

Royalty update ID004 & ID005 & ID007 - 1 February 2021

> Discover all financial details on the ANote Music platform

ANote Music has received, according to the accounts provided by Royalty Trade Zone – the original transferor of the Artur Gadowski Catalogue (ID007), the Piotr Konca Catalogue (ID005) and the Tomasz Lubert Catalogue (ID004) – the royalty payouts of the respective catalogues for the reference period of January 2020 – December 2020.

You may find beneath a breakdown per music catalogue and more specific context linked to this distribution phase. For more detailed financial information concerning the music catalogues please visit the ANote Music platform:

Piotr Konca Catalogue (ID005) - Payout #1:

The auction for the Piotr Konca Catalogue was completed on September 12th, 2020. Investors on the platform are entitled, as per shares they own, to receive the royalties for Q4 2020, which account for €1,854.74.

The revenues of the Piotr Konca Catalogue are in line with the historical average (comparable with the performance registered in 2018). The slight decrease compared to 2019 can be mainly attributed to the COVID-19 restrictions, curtailing the artist’s normal activity, despite his various successful releases marked during the run of the year.

Tomasz Lubert Catalogue (ID004) - Payout #1: 

The auction for the Tomasz Lubert Catalogue was completed on September 12th, 2020 Investors on the platform are entitled, as per the shares they own, to receive the royalties for Q4 2020, which account for €1,043.01.

With the COVID-19 restrictions taking a considerable toll on the artist’s activity, Tomasz Lubert’s royalties are considerably lower compared year-to-year with past revenues. However, there are clear perspectives to grow again reaching new highs, as soon as normality returns and live events can resume activity.

Artur Gadowski Catalogue (ID007):

The auction for the Artur Gadowski Catalogue was completed on December 28th, 2020. Investors on the platform are not entitled to receive a royalties payout for 2020.

This being said, the received financial information highlights an uptrend compared to the historical average. Despite the COVID-19 restrictions, Artur Gadowski successfully managed to further extend his popularity and establish a highly appreciative fanbase.

Looking to learn more about these music catalogues? Go visit the ANote Music platform, create an account or log in, and discover all financial details and relevant insights about all aforementioned  assets. Click here to visit the platform.

Stay tuned!