Royalty updates

Royalty Update: Zero Assoluto Catalogue - Payout #1

Written by ANote Music Press | August 6, 2021

Royalty Distribution ID009 – 06 August 2021

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ANote Music has distributed €1,526.70 from SIAE (the Italian National Collective Organization) as royalties payout for the reference period of July 2020 – December 2020 (H2 2020) for the Zero Assoluto Catalogue.

Royalties have also been received for the master rights from Q2 2021, completing the payout for H1 2021 by Artist First (the digital distributor), for a total amount of €532.90 for the back catalogue and €278.70 for the newly-released tracks.

The revenues from the publishing rights have consistently been higher compared to previous payouts, mainly thanks to a significant increase in digital consumption. While the payout for the master rights remains in line with previous periods, a small increment can be noticed. This can be correlated to the new productions that have been added to the catalogue’s repertoire. 

The auction for the Zero Assoluto Catalogue was completed on July 8th, 2021. As a result, ANote Music investors are receiving €2,338.30, corresponding to the 15% of the catalogue listed, pro-forma to the percentage owned into the catalogue.

Additionally, in response to the general market slowdown due to the impact of COVID-19 on live performances and general life, SIAE is expected to distribute some of its reserves pro-quota to its members (among which Zero Assoluto) during the next distribution phase (expected for January 2022).


Stay tuned!